Monday, September 14, 2009

First Hw #1

Bryanna Wright

I think that kids now a days stay on the their phones and computer. I think that if we had any kind of reason to get on the computer or internet we will. I think that we live for the computer because I now when I can't get on the internet I feel like I am going crazy. I feel like I am missing out on things or I feel like I can't talk to talk to some people. But I also want to see how long I could and the class could go with using the computer/internet. When it comes to tv I think that some some people watch it more then others but the internet is something that everyone use.
1. Why are we into the internet so much?
2. Who made the internet?
3.What would the world be like if the internet every where stop working and cut off?
4. How does the internet work world-wide?


  1. good post. i like the questions u left for the reader in the end to sum up your main ideas. It was pretty simple to imagine teens and theyre computer-use, but not so easy to imagine the disappearance of the internet. Its probably silly to connect your main idea to a cartoon show but South Park actually did an episode where the internet just shut off for a day and the whole world went crazy. I guess even television shows such as South Park can have some truth behind they're shows too. i guess in the Long run you could consider expanding the entire passage. Besides computers you can focus on other electronics or variables that connect to comuter usage, such as how long one is on it for, or IMing, or websites visited. This whole concept made me realize a littl that blogging, which can be used to share ones thoughts based on good, is now too ready to become a habit-forming addiction for humans as they introduce "blogger-mobile".

  2. I like how you ask questions in your post because they make me think and wonder what the answer to these questions are. I also enjoyed how you would use yourself in examples to get across an idea. When you say that you feel like your missing out on things or can't communicate with other people when you can't get on internet, I feel the same way. Sometimes when i can't get on, I get frustrated and try until I finally get internet. But I think that's not the only reason we live for internet, maybe you should expand that more like saying more reasons. Or you could say what other digital media we couldn't live without beside computer and reasons why. When you say that if we could have any reason to go on the internet made me realize a lot of us do that. I do at least, I go on because I have homework but it just a reason for me to get on internet and go web browsing or IMing. I wonder if it is true that people watch TV more than go on internet, because most of my family does except probably my older brother he loves everything to do with digital media. It'd be cool to make class try to live with out using computer/internet. Thanks for helping me understand a bit more of why we are so dependent on digital media, hope to read more of your blogs.

  3. Thank you Chris for the thoughtful comment. I like how you connected what we are learning in class to something on t.v. That what we are learning about is not just something that Andy and the rest of the class thinks is happen but so does other people. That other people see that we have to much digital stuff going on.

    Thamks for telling me to go deeper in thought about what I think and feel. For really reading my blog and saying what you felt the same way about and what you felt differently about. And for saying thing that will make my next blog better.

    In my blog I only talked about using the computer and it not being that ig of a deal to me and you said to think of other digital things besides the computer. I think that the only reason why I talk about computers and not texting or iming is because i feel like it is part ot life. I feel like I do it so much that it does not feel like I do it alot, so I forget that texting or iming or t.v is another way of digital use.

    We both thought about what life would be like without internet. We can't really say what it would be like but we can dream.

    What would teh world be like with out the internet?

  4. Thank you Michelle. Thank you for making me feel like what I wrote was something that helped you think more. It feels good to know that what I wrote was kind of important to you in some way.

    Thank you for asking me questions to make me think more. Thanks for saying thinks that well help me write my next blog and make it better.

    I think that I could have gone deeper in to what I feel and how that connected to what we are learning or how that connected to the world.

    We both feel the same way about how if we do not go on the internet we feel like we are missing out on things.

    Why is the digital world so important to us?
