Monday, November 30, 2009

What I noticed in the stories

I noticed that in a lot of people's the cool kid was new, there was there were few stories where the cool kids where already there. And the thing that made the new kid so cool was that they were new and since they were new they had to show that they were not weak. The new kids wanted people to know that they could not be messed with. Some were more straight forward trying to act like they were bad while some act as if they did not care what happen or what people thought.
I think the story that Matthew made was one of the stories that showed someone not new talking about what it means to be cool and how that makes them feel. I think that in this story it showed more of how you can be cool be really don't know where to go with the way you live your life. In a lot of the stories you did not get what the person was feeling. I mean you got to read their inner thoughts but you did not get what they wanted and how that made them feel.

Monday, November 23, 2009


This story was really good and funny. I t was like the boy just knew that he was not going to make any friends and it turned out that he made a lot of friends by the end. I think the part that got me is that you the story really and you have never thought that a girl wrote this story about a boy. the character said things that boys would say or think. And I like how the kid did not have to act bad to make friends.

Matthew R. Batson
Your story was really good. When we read it in class I felt like this is something that happen in a lot of teenagers life. I feel that this seems to happen a lot to girls but I still think you story got to what it was trying to get at. Your story showed how Lora was doing things that she did not know why she was doing them and Robert was trying to help her find out why she do them. I feel that she was so wrapped up in what other people think that she could not see pass her own nose and she what Robert was getting at. I feel that reading this makes you watch a little of what you do and why you do it. Good job u have a gift at writing

Your story was so good. When reading in class I thought that this story feels like something that happens to teenagers in life. I also believe that is happens a lot to girls. I feel that Lora didn't really know why she did what she did and that Robert really tried to make her see what she was doing was not good for her. He was trying to make her learn from this but it seem like she was so into what everyone else thinks that she could not see past her own nose. But I feel that it was really good and that you have a gift in writing.

I like how the new girl was something big in your story. How the kids notice everything she did. I like how she was use to everyone looking at her and wanting to be her. How when she came to school the next day that everyone looked like her and was trying to be her. She was the cool kid that knew she was cool and had to have everyone know it to.

Sam C
Your Story made me laugh the moment I read the name of the cool kid. in your story the kid did what he had to do to fit in again. I like how he knew what was wrong once he got up to his friends. and the picture was a good thing to add, it showed another way that people try to be cool

The cool kid your story was the kind of kid that did not care about what anyone had to say. He tried to do his own thing and not show that he was into the whole "I care what other people say." I like your story ity was good

Thursday, November 19, 2009

short story

Joe was the new kid in school.From moment he walked through the doors he wanted everyone to think he was cool. He walked in and pushed the first person that got in his way. The boy turned around to hit him back, but the look in Joe's eye gave the boy a cold chill down his back so he walked away. As Joe walked into the classroom he saw a pertty girl in the back of the room. He walke dover to her and said,"DAMMMMMN!Girl you looking really goooood, I just want to take you home".She looked at him then at her friend and said, "Boys can be so lame, they think they can get everything they want".
"Well BITCH I can. Youdon't know how many hoes I get and how many of them want me to be their man or even want me to talk to them. So watch who the hell you talking to and how you talking to me". He walked away and started looking for a seat. There was a seat in the the back of the room in the corner. He sat down waiting to get the day started so it could end. The teacher came in and saw that he was a new kid and was not sitting where she wanted him to sit so she went over and asked him to move. He looked looked up at her and said " No, know go teacher this boring asssss class so I can go home". The thought to herself for a moment and she know that fighting with him was not going to make any think better so she walked away and started to talk about history.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Who are the cool kids in school?
How do you become cool?
How do you know when you are cool?
Why do a lot of the cool kids most of the time are the ones that do a lot "bad" things but still are cool?
Is there a different in being cool and popular?

To me there can be different reasons why someone is cool. They can be cool because they have money, can be pretty, have a talent that a lo of people wish they could have, and I sure there are other reasons why someone could be cool, but why do this things matter. I know that sometimes matter to me but I sometimes wonder why. What about what someone wears show who they are deep down in side. Just because they do not wear what I wear does not mean that they do not have the same goals and dreams that I have. I would like to know who made the idea of what is cool and what is not cool? In class we talked about being cool and someone said that we would be lying if we said we don't care if we are cool or not and i think that is not true. I don't care if I cool people have to take me they way I am but I do care if people respect me which is different then being cool. I feel that there are people that are cool that should not be cool but just because I don't think they should be cool does not mean I going to be rude to them. So I do think that someone people don't care if they are cool where some do. Or should I say that some care moe then others.

comments on papers

I like your paper it talked a lot about what we talked about in class. I feel that you took a lot of things that talked about in class and in your paper you was able to go deeper into what you thought. So I think that you get a really good job on your paper

I like your paper it is real good. You talk about things that when people read it they will understand what you re talking about.

POV: 4
EV: 3.5
EO: 3.5
OPV: 3
GRADE: 20/24

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Picture 001

Picture 001
Originally uploaded by Brybuttercups
what people see when they see me using digital things

Picture 014

Picture 014
Originally uploaded by Brybuttercups

Picture 010

Picture 010
Originally uploaded by Brybuttercups
what I see when I am in my digital world

Thursday, November 12, 2009

my paper

Bryanna Wright 11-5-09

Digital use is something that has become more and more popular over time. As days come and go some argue that digital use is good for us, while others argue that that it is not. Current sources try to show us that digital use are more bad then they are good. Sources tend to show that we depend on digital use so much that it brainwashes us, which causes us to live unhealthy lifestyles. Internet, music, and movies are sources that come off as things that control us by telling us what to wear, how to act, and who to be.
Internet is a digitalization that we use to connect with other people. While trying to connect with other people we don’t realize what we are doing. We don’t realize that we change who we are or add more interesting details to make ourselves seem more important then other people really think we are. By using Myspace and Facebook we create false profiles to conform into someone that we are not. The Internet is away to enter a world that allows us to forget about the “real” world. “We text all the time instead of talking to the person right in front of us and we rather take Facebook photos and flaunt our fakeness instead of being original and not relying on digital media to keep us entertained”(from Stephanie Forgarty-Yee). Getting more of accomplishment on Facebook, like when someone change their status and people comment on what they are doing, just giving them more attention. When trying to connect with people it is easier to tell them who you are through the digital world then through talking to them in person. When talking through the digital world people can’t really judge you nor can they tell when you are lying, whereas if you talk in person they can tell if you are lying by your tone, body movements, etc. There is more of acknowledge between two people when talking in the digital world. You can connect by the smallest thing; jobs, what you like to do on your free-time, music, movies etc. By using Internet to connecting with people we hide behind the real us to show the new created one.
Music often tends to brainwash us as while. In music they talk about things to keep mindless kids superficial. Artist today sing about telling people what to buy, as while as how life would be so much better if they had x, y, and z. In the movie Josie and that Pussycats the music company used the Pussycats music to board cast what was the latest things. They had a hidden message under the real music so that people would not know it was in there. [Josie, Melody and Valerie listen to the song snippet they just recorded, now with subliminal messages] 

Melody: I want a Big Mac!
Valerie: But, Mel, you're a vegetarian.
Melody: I know, but suddenly I want one!
After hearing that song Melody was brainwashed to like something that she usually does not like, or would have not thought about if she did not listen to the song. This happens to many people around the world. Today’s music make kids want to buy things they really don’t need, say things that are rude, tell them how to be successful, as well as how to love. Then after listening to these artist tell you how you should be people start to find ways to become this person. People started to become more and more superficial. Not caring about what other people have to give but about how they look. And movies don’t make it better.
The idea of a movie is to tell a story. Which is why we all like movies because we all feel that there will be a movie that explains what we feel as people. So we go and pay 12 dollars to see a movie that just may be the life we are real living. However Wall-E there was something a little different, this was one of the who knows how many movies that tried to show us that we are kind of living life as lazy, fat, unworking, unappreicate people. In the movie the people could not walk they had to be moved by a chair that moves on it own, they ate their food in a shak form way so that they would not have to chew, and if they had to change their clothes they just pressed a button on their chair that changed it for them. But the part that really made me think about how we live is when the ear/ head graud was removed from the person’s face their colthes want back to what they had on before, and they could see that they we being control by the digitl things around them. A writer Bert Brecht said "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it" I agree but yet I disagree. I feel that art does reflect some parts of life as well as the world. I feel that art shows us things that we try and act like don't happen like war, killing, and even rape. So I do think art is a mirror that reflects the world. But I also feel that art is a hammer in which we use to shape the world. I do feel that the movie Wall-E is a type of art in which shapes to us to see that we could end up not living life the best way.
In the end there are many ways to show how we use the digital world to control, inpact, and inslave us as peopele. We try so hard to say that it doesn’t but it does, we depend on digital use so much that it brainwashes us, which causes us to live unhealthy lifestyles. Digitalization turns us into someone that we are not, helps us make decisions, and mak us lazy fat people.