Monday, December 21, 2009

hw 31

Are there ever situations where you feel the need to make yourself bigger than another person?
I feel that I don't have to act big because since I am bigger them most girls my age people don't want to mess with me because they always think that I am mean or not as nice as the smaller girls. But I do feel that sometimes to get what I want I have to act the my the person wants me to act and not the way I would go about it. Like when I go on interviews I feel that I have to act really sweet and sometime what some would say act "white" and " black". Even the way I live I am put in to the mode that I acting. See where I live most black and spanish girls would say that I think that I higher them and that I think I am white. Whereas when I am going to school I think people see me as that black girl. Like they see we get off on 42 they look like what that is new. Or even when I am talked about with my family and their friends I knew for going to a school with white kids as well as black and people seem to look at me different because of that so I use it to get where I need to get.

Are there ever situations where you feel the need to make yourself bigger than another person?
For me, I think I'm more of a conformist because of the many identities I put up front, to fit in with the many different social scenes. I feel that this role of being the conformist is valid in the cool society because there are many different criteria's that cool requires, and by being one identity won't really get you far in the cool scene.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

hw 30

How does this emptiness feel?
I think that the reason we get this emptiness is because we don't wnat to be alone. I feel that when I am the most emtiness is when I am home alone. I feel that when I am not able to put a smile on someones face then there is no real reason why I am here. I am Stephine is right that we should not live our life by what other people say but by what we say, and I agree with her but I mean how far can you really get by yourself. I love to live my life doing what I wnat to do and please myself the way I want and not by others but how far will I get by myself. In the end I am goin to end up alone and isn't that what we are running away from. So yea by all means make yourself happy but why not along the way can't you make others happy and that is where I think we get empty. I also believe we get this way when we feel like no one understands us.
What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?
I do feel that one sources is growing up. I think that just having to grow up is one because from that moment we are able to talk and are able to understand people tell us different things. Then we also see what other people are doing and we see that one day that will be us. Then the day we find out that we are not one with our mothers and fathers and that one day we will go our own ways. Until the day we know that we are going to die. I think that we find this out and want to know that even if we die and when we die that we are not going to be forgotten. We want to know that people will still think of us. I mean that is why we make up the whole after life because we do not what to think of a world without us. We find it so hard so know that the world will go on without us and that nothing changes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Homework 29

Should advertising to young people be banned? Up to what age? Or all ages?
I think that advertising should be banned. I think that there should be a test, because if we really think that advertising is what is making us think that we need x,y and z in life, then we should test it out. We should see how little kids take in the information and then see when they turn about 13 if they choice to continue to do what advertising is tellin them to do. If it should show that the kids still choice to do what the advertising things are saying then it should be banned. I am i think that will take a lot of time and by the time that group of people that is test is being test on grow up there will be about million of other people will see these things all over the place. But I am mean there has to be other ways to make sure that is banned and it works. And if they are banned then no under 16 should be able to see it.

There was a quote like, "Girls are taught to flaunt their sexuality even though they don't understand it yet(by Britney Spears type media.
I think this quotes says a lot. It shows how a lot of girls don't really now what they are doing they are just trying to be sexy becauxse that is what they think they have to be and to get boys to notcie them. Then with the famous people showing off their bodies so young females think it is ok and right to show off their bodies. And I think that is is why low self-esteem is what makes people want to be cool.

Homework 28
This article is about cool and how the word has been around for many of years and how it has a meaning but over time the meaning has seem to change to fit what we think it should mean. It talks about how the people who talk about being cool the most are teenagers. It also talks about how we should so what ever makes us happy and that is cool. Because cool has often a lot to do with having low self-esteem.
The real question is why does have low self -esteem has to do with being cool? Why can't people what to be cool with out having low self-esteem? And if the problem is having low self-esteem then why is it all the "popular "kids messing with the kids that are fat,ugly, that do not smell good,or that are poor? These are questions that make we think more of what does it really mean to be cool and what really is the whole point behind it.

This website is the definition of what it means to be uncool.
If people say that cool is being you then how can there be an definition of cool or uncool?
This is a website that has people talking about what they thinks make people cool or uncool by the way that they act to what they say. Most people are saying the say thing over and over again but in different ways.
I think that this is what life and what cool s all about we are all kind think in the same way so who is to say that we are different and we can't really say if we are different then who is to say that some of us are cool and that some of us are not.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

family and friends talking about cool

1.What is definition of cool?
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
To me there is no definition of cool and I don't care about being cool and I don't know I think everybody cool people.

1.What is definition of cool?
Cool is being down to earth, different, and unique
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
I don't know I think I am like everybody else. I feel like I fit into the status quo of a normal person so I really don't know.
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
The coolest person I knoe is my dad because he is real, loyal to people and he is mad funny.
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
The coolest thing I have are my new boots because that are sooooo cute

Djuana(My aunt)
1.What is definition of cool?
Cool is having no drama
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
Yes I do think I am cool because of my personality.
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
The coolest person I know is my freind Shel.
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
The coolest thing I have is my personality.

1.What is definition of cool?
Being unique
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
I do think I am cool because I am original
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
The coolest I know(thinks she knows) is Chris Brown because he does not pay attention to what people say about him.
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
The coolest thing I have is my phone because it does and has cool things.

My Mommie
1.What is definition of cool?
Being yourself at all times.
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
Yes, because I am funny.
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
Me because I am my own friend
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
My life because without I would not be here and do the things I things

My anut Dee
1.What is definition of cool?
Being who you are.
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
Yes, because of my humor
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
Your Uncle Jay because he is so fummy and humble.
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
Is life because it is a gift

My Uncle Jay
1.What is definition of cool?
Cool is when you can relate too all type of people and alltypes of situations.
2.Do you think you are cool why or why not?
Yes I do because I can relate too all type of people and alltypes of situations.
3.Who is the coolest person you know and why?
The coolest person I know is my sister because she is smart, funny, and real.
4.What is the coolest thing you have and why?
The coolest thing I have is my heart and my brain because I really enjoy living and learning.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

interviews with people on the street

Stranger 1 and 2 were with which other so that had sthe same answer for 2 questions
Stranger 1
1.What is your definition of cool?
Being yourself
2.Who is the coolest person or people you know and why?
My friends because they help me have fun
3.Were you the cool kid in highschool and why or why not?
No because I was not really looking to be cool I was there to learn but at the same time I knew people and people knew me so I don't know if I was cool or not.
4.What is the coolest thing you have on and why?
My body because I don't need clothes to make me who I am.

Stranger 2
1.What is your definition of cool?
Being yourself
2.Who is the coolest person or people you know and why?
My friends because they help me have fun
3.Were you the cool kid in highschool and why or why not?
No because I was a nerd so I did not really do anything but study and get good grades.
4.What is the coolest thing you have on and why?
My shoes because I just love them. And they are cool (shoes he had on were Jordan)

Stranger 3
1.What is your definition of cool?
Being like by your friends
2.Who is the coolest person or people you know and why?
My dad because he has good cerdit has money, helps me become a man ( I should have asked what does it mean to bea man and how does that help you be cool or not cool?, but I was thinking then)and he seems to knwo what to do in life.
3.Were you the cool kid in highschool and why or why not?
I was ok I was popluar but I was hate by the other kids in the school.
4.What is the coolest thing you have on and why?
Cerdit card because it is cool to have one and it is cool to have money

Stranger 4
1.What is your definition of cool?
Being friends with everyone
2.Who is the coolest person or people you know and why?
My dad because he takes cares of a whole family by himself.
3.Were you the cool kid in highschool and why or why not?
No but I was friends with a lot of people.
4.What is the coolest thing you have on and why?
My jacket because I love it and it keeps me warm without being a heavy jacket.

Stranger 5
1.What is your definition of cool?
Letting people live. Letting people who they are and judging them.
2.Who is the coolest person or people you know and why?
My english teacher because he did not play ny game just because I was on the basketball team. He helped he know that people do not take any shit and know i look back on it and saw that he really helped me get ready for life.
3.Were you the cool kid in highschool and why or why not?
Yes because I was jock. I was on the basketball team and where I lived that was cool because that mean ypu had skills and was going far.
4.What is the coolest thing you have on and why?
The shirt I have because it is from south and don't think anyone or alot of people would have this shirt.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

cool with ppl I know

Javon Perry
Do you think you are cool?
I would not say that I am cool but a lot of people ttell me I am.
What makes people tell you that you are cool?
People say that it is the way I dress and the way I carry myself.
What makes you dress the way you dress?
The media and my friends and family. But I think that the people I look up to help me come up with my fashion.
Who are the people you look up to and why do you look up to them?
Pharrell and Kanye West and I like them beceause to me they are different. To me no one dress lik ethme and no one acts like them.
So how much does your whole outfit cost?
Ummmmmm.... Well this is 330 and the his 700 and this 800 so I going to say that it cost 3000.
Why do you spend so money on clothes, is it because you wnat people to thing you are better then what you are?
I just always was dressed this way. I since I was 5 I always had on name brand things on. That is just the way I like to dress and not it is not to make meself feel better you for other people to think I better then them, it is just I like to look good. If I had to wear clothes like holes in my shoes and jeans with stuff on it and a shirt with food on it I would not feel like myself.

Taj Doston (My sister)
Do you think you were cool when you were in school?
Yes I do well at least people acted as if they wanted to be like me or be my friend.
What made people tell you that you were cool or made you think you were cool?
Well I was small and skin and the boys seem to really like me. Whereas the girls thought that i dressed really good and had a lot of boys who liked me so I guess that iss what made them think I was cool.
What made you dress the way you dressed?
Ummmmm. really cant't remember it was so long ago, but I believe that it was the media and stuff.
When it comes to being cool for the clothes that you would wear how important was that to you when you were in school?
When I was in school that was very important to me. I wanted to alway look like I had the best things. And I wanted to make the boys like me.
Did help you in any way?
It helped with getting the boys to like me, but with that I started to study and do work less which made me do bad in school.