Tuesday, December 1, 2009

cool with ppl I know

Javon Perry
Do you think you are cool?
I would not say that I am cool but a lot of people ttell me I am.
What makes people tell you that you are cool?
People say that it is the way I dress and the way I carry myself.
What makes you dress the way you dress?
The media and my friends and family. But I think that the people I look up to help me come up with my fashion.
Who are the people you look up to and why do you look up to them?
Pharrell and Kanye West and I like them beceause to me they are different. To me no one dress lik ethme and no one acts like them.
So how much does your whole outfit cost?
Ummmmmm.... Well this is 330 and the his 700 and this 800 so I going to say that it cost 3000.
Why do you spend so money on clothes, is it because you wnat people to thing you are better then what you are?
I just always was dressed this way. I since I was 5 I always had on name brand things on. That is just the way I like to dress and not it is not to make meself feel better you for other people to think I better then them, it is just I like to look good. If I had to wear clothes like holes in my shoes and jeans with stuff on it and a shirt with food on it I would not feel like myself.

Taj Doston (My sister)
Do you think you were cool when you were in school?
Yes I do well at least people acted as if they wanted to be like me or be my friend.
What made people tell you that you were cool or made you think you were cool?
Well I was small and skin and the boys seem to really like me. Whereas the girls thought that i dressed really good and had a lot of boys who liked me so I guess that iss what made them think I was cool.
What made you dress the way you dressed?
Ummmmm. really cant't remember it was so long ago, but I believe that it was the media and stuff.
When it comes to being cool for the clothes that you would wear how important was that to you when you were in school?
When I was in school that was very important to me. I wanted to alway look like I had the best things. And I wanted to make the boys like me.
Did help you in any way?
It helped with getting the boys to like me, but with that I started to study and do work less which made me do bad in school.

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