Monday, October 26, 2009

Hw 15

To Julliette
Homework 10
I like that way you set up what you found wrote so that we could understand what you looked up and was able to read what you wrote to get what the article was talking about.
I think that the things that you looked up were good things to look up. I like how you gave one that talked about how people who drink and text are equal to each other. I also like how you found one that talked about how we can't write because we are use to the way we text.
I go agree with the article that talked about teenagers not being about to write because they are use the way that they talk when they use their phone to text. I some times put u instead of you because I think that I am on my phone.
Next time write a little about the 3 article so that people could get what that one was about.
I would like to look up more about people's addiction to Blackberries are equal to a person who has a addiction to drugs or alcohol. I would want to know why is that.
Good job

hw 11
I feel that in this blog you wre really mad and upset about your phone. You wanted something and you could not get it, you felt as if you could not work without your phone.
For you feel this way yea you are a little addicted to your phone which means so is a lot of people in the world to day.
Some times I feel that same way. I feel that some times i can't work with out haveing my phone or ipod by me. When I had to be without a phone like 2 years agao I almost lost it, I felt like I was messing out on everything.
There is notthing taht you have to work one.
You made me feel like I should try harder to live without my phone because what if one day they no long with be around?
Good job

Sunday, October 25, 2009

hw 14

From reading the two short excerpts the first short excerpt was talking about T.V. About how people think that tv is not good for you but it is not. The first excerpts was tlking about how watching tv can challenge your mind. That some of the things that we watch do not tell you everything right away, that you have to watch it and think about is going to happen next or even think about what it really means.
The second excerpt was talking about video games. It was saying that games are not bad for us. It talked about how people who read more do more with their time, where as people who do not readt waste their time doing nothing.What was brought up was what is games came before books and then books came along how would people react to that. whould they still think that books are better or would they think that books did not help kids at all.
Reading these excerpts made me see that I agree. While reading feed and talking in class I never really thought about my thoughts that much. I kind of let others people thoughts be my thought, not really knowing if that is what I thought. Or I thought that it did not matter to me, but frome reading this I feel that people just what thing to stay the same and change. I think that people are not use to or ready for change. I think that reading is important but it doesn't open peoples mind like tv and video games. Also I disagree with the study that was talked about in the second where people who read more do more with their time. I feel that people who read are so busy reading they would not be able to understand things that do not go the way books go.

Monday, October 19, 2009

feed B

Bert Brecht said "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it" I agree but yet I disagree. I feel that art does reflect some parts of life as well as the world. I feel that art shows us things that we try and act like don't happen. Like war, killing, and even rape. So I do think art is a mirror that reflects the world.

But I also feel that art is a hammer in which we use to shae the world. I do feel that the bood feed is a type of art. The book feed trys to shape the minds of the readers to change the way they act. I think that reading the book people think how the kids sound so dumb and never know that is it talking about kids today. This hammer shows us how we are so quick to jugde people with out knowing people. That we have to learn th see that we are not all the same.

So think that this book even if the book was not easy for me to read because at time I got confused it made me think, see and realize. I saw how fast I was ready to call the kids in the book dumb and then when kids around my age do it I call it dumb but I don't go on about the fact of how dumb they are.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Feed A

Reading feed made see some of the things that we do is kind of dumb. Like going to the moon every chance we get, trying to keep up with everyone esle amd making sure we at not bored all the time. But I do feel thatin the book it could have shown the kids that who do not act this way. There are some kids who do not care or try to be like everyone esle. Who do not try to go the move everychance they get.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Why do people watch porn?
From reading what other people think about why other people or them selves watch porn was one good way to find out why people watch poen. To different people they have different reasons but they still seem good enough to those people to make them do it. I think people lie to them selves just to make them feel like what they are doing is not wrongm, or make it seem like it is ok so that other people do not thing they are crazy or nasty. I don't know if it is hard to stop wacthing it but I think that if people stop lying to them selves and other then they would not have to do it as much and would feel ok about doing it.

Why do people watch tv?
"Unhappy people wacth t.v while happy people read/Socialize". When I first read the title I had to see what it was talking about. I do not feel that unhapy people watch t.v while happy people read?socialize. Juat how someone unhappy wants to get away and watch t.v someone else unhappy may want to get away by reading. I think that and unhappy person would not do any of these things and wouls just sit there in the dark wonders ways to make them sleve happy. I feel that some people are more of a viewer learner so they have to see what it happening or how to do it before doing it so that is why they wacth t.v, while the other person maybe more of a thinker and have to think about it abfore they do it. I depeneds on the person not their mood.

comments on my comments

To Elias
I thank you for the comment. I think you are right I can elaborate more but I fee like we all kind of say same thing and we keep saying it over and over but I can still try find other ways to say what I think. I like how you connected to what I was saying about the bills and how we should have limit on things. I do feel that if we have limits on things we will find ways to push by those limits because I know that I hate to be told how to use my things or run my life.

Untitled from bryanna wright on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


When watching my video I started to think why did i have the tv on while i was on the computer, on my phone and listening to music. All I am doing is running up the bills and then I wonder why my mom may not have alot of money.If I had a younger sister or when I have children I will not not want them doing all the thing I was doing in my video all at once. I meant I don't think I should limit how they use digital media but that they should just think about when they should use them.Like the Wii I don't know alot about it but From what everyone has said I can see it as a way to stay in shape but I also see it as a onther way of being lazy I think it just depends on the person and their house-hold.

Hw #8

To Julliette
Hey Julliette your video was good. I think none of us see or notice how much we use digital things. I mean I think we do it so much that we think it is something that everyone does but really there are some kids and parents that don't use it at much.

I like how you talked about how you would not liek your kids get that dependent on digital use when you get older. I hope you can do that beacuse like you said I feel that in the future the only thing we are going to have are digital things.

I like how you talked about the Wii. I don't know that much about it but I do see what you are saying about if you buy the Wii you can use it to stay in shape. And then you are having fun and staying in shape how good is that.

I like how you made it clear on what you were talking about but maybe you can write it as one and find a way to make it flow together.

At frist I thought that I would not limit my child's digital use, but then again I don't what them to be dependent on it maybe you can tell me so reason on why I or parents should limit their kids digital use.

Nice video good job

To Elias
I like how you really notice things about your self and are able to say that you do not have a life and I think that alot of people can't say that about their selves. I also like how you notice things about your nephew and how you think about how you may limit his t,v watching when he gets older or even now.

I see that in your post you talk alot about you and your life which is good because you don't know how other people use the digital media world

I agree with you that school and work and friends and aterschool things are a good way to stop us from being addicted to the digital world. I also agree that sometimes our friends are the reason why we are addicted because we want to talk to them so much that we have to be one the phone with one while texting the other while iming the other.

I do not think you need to work on

I also saw how you talking about obeise kids and how there needs to be something done. I agree I think that this whole digital world have something to do with it.

Nice post