Monday, May 24, 2010

home work 58

Part 3:
Melissa came to our class to talk about her kids. She talked about how she tries not to yell at them or beat them. She also talked about how she don't not let them watch a lot t.v and that she thinks that t.v is something that must be watched or it can control your kids life. She talked about how she got into an argument with her father because she felt like they were telling her how to raised her children and she did not like it. She also talked about how her daughter is going to have to work harder to pass where as her son takes things in.

When talking to Melissa I realize that every parent is not the same. Because when it comes to my mom she raised me different then how she raised my sister. I realized that some people have an idea of how to raise they kids, but sometimes things do not try out the way they planned it to come out. You have to do the best you can and hope that your kids do the best with their life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home work #57

Part 1:

I think that being a parent is a hard thing to do. they have to make sure we live and take care of us and love us even when (it may be sad to say but) hate us. For the most part they are there for us and try to help us the best that they can. And the most crazy part is that every parent things in a different way so you can never say what you are teaching your child is right.
I think that adults should really think before having kids and have a idea of how they want to treat they child and then if things come long then they deal with it. But I feel that alot of parent (or maybe just mine) had it set in her head that she was not going to let me make the sam mistakes she made. But how do you know this things that she mad a mistakes on will be on mind. Hod does she know that I was not going to start liking boys when I turned 17 or how she knew that I was going to like boys. I just think that after a age and then depending on what kind of person ypur kid is ther is a point where the parent has to and should let go.
Hopefully one day I will be parent and I will remember that I was a kid, pre-teen, and a teen once and that no matter how much someone tells you some you still going to do it because you really don't believe them when they say some things. And that just because this happen to me does not mean it will or will not not happen to my kid. That life is all about taking chances when somethings. Like in love, dreams,and even grades.

Part 2:

From reading what the research I realize that there are different types of parents. There is the:
Authoritative Parenting
•lively and happy disposition
•self-confident about ability to master tasks.
•well developed emotion regulation
•developed social skills
•less rigid about gender-typed traits (exp: sensitivity in boys and independence in girls)

Authoritarian Parenting

•anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy disposition
•poor reactions to frustration (girls are particularly likely to give up and boys become especially hostile)
•do well in school (studies may show authoritative parenting is comparable)
•not likely to engage in antisocial activities (exp: drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism, gangs)

Permissive Parenting

•poor emotion regulation (under regulated)
•rebellious and defiant when desires are challenged.
•low persistence to challenging tasks
•antisocial behaviors
Or that everyone thinks there are different ways into rasing their kids. That some feel we are connected to our mothers in a sexual way.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Home work #56

My question: What are the key factor of a relationship to make it work, and if they are not there will the relationship not work at all?
1. How important is communication in relationship? And why ?
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?

Uncle Jay
1. How important is communication in relationship? And why?
Communication is very very important because you must know where you guys stand to make it far.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
Communication, trust, respect,loyalty, and understanding.
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
I give it another chance when I feel in my heart that it will really work.
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?
As a male I have to feel that my women is into me as much as I am into her.

1. How important is communication in a relationship? And why?
Very important.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationships must have?
Love,communication, friendship,respect and honesty.
3.What makes you want to end a relationship?
If they cheat
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
Love and the amount of yars we have been together before breaking up.
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationships and how they should work compare to the opposite sex? Why or why not?
I feel that as a female we go with our feelings and male don't really care.

1. How important is communication in relationship? And why ?
Very importanat if you don't have communication the relationship would be empty because no one would know anything about the other one.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
Communication,trust, commite, love and sex
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
When you ask your partner a question and they lie and you know that they are lying.
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
When you truly love your partner and you forgive them for mistake that they made
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?
Females feel if you are in relationship you shouldn't sleep around and male feel that it is ok because you aren't married.

1. How important is communication in relationship? And why ?
Communication is must because without it you have nothing.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
When a relationship no longer meets your emotional needs then it is time to end. If it get abusive in and form physical, mental, and verbal then you need to leave.
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?
Men ane women see things differently. Women are emotional creatures and mean just do not get it.

From research I found out that these are the top five things that a relationships:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homework 55

Part 1:
I haven't really thinking about what I want to look more into, so right now I am still thinking and talking to people about what they are going. But I think I want to talk about love.Why do we need love? Why do we push away love? Why do we love in different ways? Why do we stop loving? And more but I didn't know yet.


Stephanie A:
Research Question: Is there an emotional and physiological difference between kids growing up with both parents and kids growing up in single homes ?

I think your question is a good one because as a child with one parent I would like to know if people who have both act and feel different then I do. But I also see what chole is saying, it whould help you get a clear and better ansewr to your question if you answer both. But it may take a lot to answer both questions all in one, but which every way you go with it you will be answering a good question.

Chloe H :
Part 1:Question (Will Most likely Change Around):
-What do you need in order to find or maintain a long lasting friendship?
-What are the main components of a long lasting friendship?

I think your questions are good because this is a time where you are going to be leaving soon to go to college , and I think that it is very importanat into knowing how to keep these friends that are not going to be going to school with you any more or will not see on the weekend anymore. So I think that your idea about friends is good. Maybe you can change it as time goes on but if you don't it will be fine

Monday, May 10, 2010

Homework #54

Part 1:
My type is: ENFP

Extroverted (E) 63.16% Introverted (I) 36.84%
Intuitive. (N) 54.05% Sensing (S) 45.95%
Feeling. (F) 52.5% Thinking. (T) 47.5%
Perceiving (P) 58.33% Judging (J) 41.67%

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.

outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking, good at getting people to have fun, pleasure seeking, irresponsible, physically affectionate, risk taker, thrill seeker, likely to have or want a tattoo, adventurous, unprepared, attention seeking, hyperactive, irrational, loves crowds, rule breaker, prone to losing things, seductive, easily distracted, open, revealing, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, attracted to strange things, non punctual, likes to stand out, likes to try new things, fun seeker, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, empathetic, dangerous, loving, attachment prone, prone to fantasy.

favored careers:
performer, actor, entertainer, songwriter, musician, filmmaker, comedian, radio broadcaster/dj, some job related to theater/drama, poet, music journalist, work in fashion industry, singer, movie producer, playwright, bartender, comic book author, work in television, dancer, artist, record store owner, model, freelance artist, teacher (art, drama, music), writer, painter, massage therapist, costume designer, choreographer, make up artist

I think that the results of this test really hit me on the nose. When I asked Andy if he took the test and did the results come out to be true he said yea but he also felt that a lot of the other results fit him as well. That it is kind of like reading your Horoscopes. And I agree but when I looked at the results they had some stuff that fit me and some that didn't but the result I got is right to the bone. I outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things,seductive, easily distracted,seductive, easily distracted,and physically affectionate and teh list goes on and on. I feel that this is a good way to figure people out. I feel that if you really thing about it for a moment you could get the results of someone you may get one letter wrong but for the most part you would get it right.

Part 2:
From talking about the test the whole class I think that the test is good because shows you things that you didn't things that you did not know about yourself or even things that you did not want to know or say you did. I think that it really made me think about things that it was saying and seeing if I really do it. It also made we say ok I do do this things and I just say that it is ok. I also feel that we were all happy to see what they said, and think that the reason that we were so happy because they were really one point. And I think that the reason is because it gives us idea for who we are and it makes you understand way things happen to us. So know we feel like we have some type of understanding of the world or at least there are somethings we can control.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

homework 53

Part 2:
Taking this survey did not make uncomfortable like I thought it would. The questions were questions I would have answered if someone in the street had asked me the same questions. I thought that the Partnering - Romance - Sexuality section was going to be questions that would be a little to much to ask but I think that the survey was fine. I and I think that it asked questions that we need to know the answers that other people would pick. There were even questions that I did not think that would have been asked, but I think that is was good. The Self, politics, etc section really had me thinking. I had to stop and think hard about if I felt one way or the other or if i was lying to myself or not. At one point I did want to put down my answer for I feel insecure because at that moment I felt like someone would find out that I picked Exactly - Very much so but then I thought about it and said what will happen if someone finds out nothing. So I answered it and kept on moving through the survey.

Part 3:
I think that the results to the question to do "you do stupid things you don't particularly enjoy to fit in with your peers", most people say maybe when I think that the real answer is yes. But I think this shows me that I think little of people and that I feel most people don't have say on their life and that we get bossed around by other people or maybe a lot of people do not want to say that they have no mind of their. I mean the thing didn't answered the way I thought it would be at the same time there were few that I thought I was the only one that would say yes and some that I thought would say yes and end up saying no.

Part 4:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 52

1. Why is that we push away the love that comes from our family but go out looking for love from other people?
I don't know if everyone is like this but I know for me I do this a lot. My mom always wants me to give her a hug and to tell how much i love her, but I always push away. I go to my room and talk to my friends and boys and try to get them to like me or respect me more. And i never knew why, but i think that i just know that my mom love me and that she knows I love her. I mean we are family and if she didn't love me she would not do the things like care and buy me stuff or even give the chance to make it far in life unlike her and my sister did. But with other people i never know what their feelings are to me.m They can say they care but really don't.
And the more I think about i push away all kinds of love. Love from my mom, sister, father, friends, boys and even people that try to be nice and give comments. I am just not comfortable with feelings and the idea that people could be true about how they feel about me. Or should I say they nice feelings about me. I am just scared of getting hurt that I push away before anything happens. So in the end I really I think it just a thing that you have to take a chance and see if it works and if it doesn't.

2. Why do we play roles?
I think we play roles so that we can feel different inside of friends and family or should I just say inside of our little world. We want to know that in inside our friend circle we are the one that is the funny friend, shy friends, crazy friend, or the one everyone depends. And then in our family the good one, bad one, the one that passes by, the baby,and on and on. But it would not be right if there are 2 of the same thing because then you feel like you do not stand out. And everyone wants to stand out. \

3.Which relationship is more important to you?
I think that the relationship that is the most is importanat is the relationship between yourself because weithout knowing who you are you really can't tell how you would react with other people. But then again everyone would say that. So I would said now at the age of 17 I would say the relationship between me and my mom and dad is the most important because if you lose one friend you can make another or even a boyfriend/girlfriend, boss, co-worker you can always make more relationships with these people. But your family is your family when you lose them you can't them back and when you do it always feels diferent then what you had before. These are people that "by gods choice" decided to make them your family for a reason.

I think that alot of relationships that we have are based off of what we heard and what we think we know. It is off what tv shows it should be and we think that is how relationships should be so we show them off like they are when really they may not. But the only reason why we show it off like it is great is os that people want their relationships to be just like their's. What we need to do is just look ate our relationships and what is our own personal views instead of looking and listening to what other people say.