Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 52

1. Why is that we push away the love that comes from our family but go out looking for love from other people?
I don't know if everyone is like this but I know for me I do this a lot. My mom always wants me to give her a hug and to tell how much i love her, but I always push away. I go to my room and talk to my friends and boys and try to get them to like me or respect me more. And i never knew why, but i think that i just know that my mom love me and that she knows I love her. I mean we are family and if she didn't love me she would not do the things like care and buy me stuff or even give the chance to make it far in life unlike her and my sister did. But with other people i never know what their feelings are to me.m They can say they care but really don't.
And the more I think about i push away all kinds of love. Love from my mom, sister, father, friends, boys and even people that try to be nice and give comments. I am just not comfortable with feelings and the idea that people could be true about how they feel about me. Or should I say they nice feelings about me. I am just scared of getting hurt that I push away before anything happens. So in the end I really I think it just a thing that you have to take a chance and see if it works and if it doesn't.

2. Why do we play roles?
I think we play roles so that we can feel different inside of friends and family or should I just say inside of our little world. We want to know that in inside our friend circle we are the one that is the funny friend, shy friends, crazy friend, or the one everyone depends. And then in our family the good one, bad one, the one that passes by, the baby,and on and on. But it would not be right if there are 2 of the same thing because then you feel like you do not stand out. And everyone wants to stand out. \

3.Which relationship is more important to you?
I think that the relationship that is the most is importanat is the relationship between yourself because weithout knowing who you are you really can't tell how you would react with other people. But then again everyone would say that. So I would said now at the age of 17 I would say the relationship between me and my mom and dad is the most important because if you lose one friend you can make another or even a boyfriend/girlfriend, boss, co-worker you can always make more relationships with these people. But your family is your family when you lose them you can't them back and when you do it always feels diferent then what you had before. These are people that "by gods choice" decided to make them your family for a reason.

I think that alot of relationships that we have are based off of what we heard and what we think we know. It is off what tv shows it should be and we think that is how relationships should be so we show them off like they are when really they may not. But the only reason why we show it off like it is great is os that people want their relationships to be just like their's. What we need to do is just look ate our relationships and what is our own personal views instead of looking and listening to what other people say.

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