Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home work #57

Part 1:

I think that being a parent is a hard thing to do. they have to make sure we live and take care of us and love us even when (it may be sad to say but) hate us. For the most part they are there for us and try to help us the best that they can. And the most crazy part is that every parent things in a different way so you can never say what you are teaching your child is right.
I think that adults should really think before having kids and have a idea of how they want to treat they child and then if things come long then they deal with it. But I feel that alot of parent (or maybe just mine) had it set in her head that she was not going to let me make the sam mistakes she made. But how do you know this things that she mad a mistakes on will be on mind. Hod does she know that I was not going to start liking boys when I turned 17 or how she knew that I was going to like boys. I just think that after a age and then depending on what kind of person ypur kid is ther is a point where the parent has to and should let go.
Hopefully one day I will be parent and I will remember that I was a kid, pre-teen, and a teen once and that no matter how much someone tells you some you still going to do it because you really don't believe them when they say some things. And that just because this happen to me does not mean it will or will not not happen to my kid. That life is all about taking chances when somethings. Like in love, dreams,and even grades.

Part 2:

From reading what the research I realize that there are different types of parents. There is the:
Authoritative Parenting
•lively and happy disposition
•self-confident about ability to master tasks.
•well developed emotion regulation
•developed social skills
•less rigid about gender-typed traits (exp: sensitivity in boys and independence in girls)

Authoritarian Parenting

•anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy disposition
•poor reactions to frustration (girls are particularly likely to give up and boys become especially hostile)
•do well in school (studies may show authoritative parenting is comparable)
•not likely to engage in antisocial activities (exp: drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism, gangs)

Permissive Parenting

•poor emotion regulation (under regulated)
•rebellious and defiant when desires are challenged.
•low persistence to challenging tasks
•antisocial behaviors
Or that everyone thinks there are different ways into rasing their kids. That some feel we are connected to our mothers in a sexual way.

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