Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homework 55

Part 1:
I haven't really thinking about what I want to look more into, so right now I am still thinking and talking to people about what they are going. But I think I want to talk about love.Why do we need love? Why do we push away love? Why do we love in different ways? Why do we stop loving? And more but I didn't know yet.


Stephanie A:
Research Question: Is there an emotional and physiological difference between kids growing up with both parents and kids growing up in single homes ?

I think your question is a good one because as a child with one parent I would like to know if people who have both act and feel different then I do. But I also see what chole is saying, it whould help you get a clear and better ansewr to your question if you answer both. But it may take a lot to answer both questions all in one, but which every way you go with it you will be answering a good question.

Chloe H :
Part 1:Question (Will Most likely Change Around):
-What do you need in order to find or maintain a long lasting friendship?
-What are the main components of a long lasting friendship?

I think your questions are good because this is a time where you are going to be leaving soon to go to college , and I think that it is very importanat into knowing how to keep these friends that are not going to be going to school with you any more or will not see on the weekend anymore. So I think that your idea about friends is good. Maybe you can change it as time goes on but if you don't it will be fine


  1. Dear Bryanna,
    I think you are on the right track to finding a specific question that you want to answer , I think it 's a good start tooooooo have the topic which you want your research paper about but before you make a final decision consider what is question is going to give you good evidence and a good paper. Good luck.

  2. Bryanna,

    I like your questions so far, I just think you need choose one and make it even more specific like maybe "Why do people hurt the people they love? " something like that. I think you have an interesting topic.
