Monday, May 24, 2010

home work 58

Part 3:
Melissa came to our class to talk about her kids. She talked about how she tries not to yell at them or beat them. She also talked about how she don't not let them watch a lot t.v and that she thinks that t.v is something that must be watched or it can control your kids life. She talked about how she got into an argument with her father because she felt like they were telling her how to raised her children and she did not like it. She also talked about how her daughter is going to have to work harder to pass where as her son takes things in.

When talking to Melissa I realize that every parent is not the same. Because when it comes to my mom she raised me different then how she raised my sister. I realized that some people have an idea of how to raise they kids, but sometimes things do not try out the way they planned it to come out. You have to do the best you can and hope that your kids do the best with their life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home work #57

Part 1:

I think that being a parent is a hard thing to do. they have to make sure we live and take care of us and love us even when (it may be sad to say but) hate us. For the most part they are there for us and try to help us the best that they can. And the most crazy part is that every parent things in a different way so you can never say what you are teaching your child is right.
I think that adults should really think before having kids and have a idea of how they want to treat they child and then if things come long then they deal with it. But I feel that alot of parent (or maybe just mine) had it set in her head that she was not going to let me make the sam mistakes she made. But how do you know this things that she mad a mistakes on will be on mind. Hod does she know that I was not going to start liking boys when I turned 17 or how she knew that I was going to like boys. I just think that after a age and then depending on what kind of person ypur kid is ther is a point where the parent has to and should let go.
Hopefully one day I will be parent and I will remember that I was a kid, pre-teen, and a teen once and that no matter how much someone tells you some you still going to do it because you really don't believe them when they say some things. And that just because this happen to me does not mean it will or will not not happen to my kid. That life is all about taking chances when somethings. Like in love, dreams,and even grades.

Part 2:

From reading what the research I realize that there are different types of parents. There is the:
Authoritative Parenting
•lively and happy disposition
•self-confident about ability to master tasks.
•well developed emotion regulation
•developed social skills
•less rigid about gender-typed traits (exp: sensitivity in boys and independence in girls)

Authoritarian Parenting

•anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy disposition
•poor reactions to frustration (girls are particularly likely to give up and boys become especially hostile)
•do well in school (studies may show authoritative parenting is comparable)
•not likely to engage in antisocial activities (exp: drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism, gangs)

Permissive Parenting

•poor emotion regulation (under regulated)
•rebellious and defiant when desires are challenged.
•low persistence to challenging tasks
•antisocial behaviors
Or that everyone thinks there are different ways into rasing their kids. That some feel we are connected to our mothers in a sexual way.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Home work #56

My question: What are the key factor of a relationship to make it work, and if they are not there will the relationship not work at all?
1. How important is communication in relationship? And why ?
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?

Uncle Jay
1. How important is communication in relationship? And why?
Communication is very very important because you must know where you guys stand to make it far.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
Communication, trust, respect,loyalty, and understanding.
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
I give it another chance when I feel in my heart that it will really work.
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?
As a male I have to feel that my women is into me as much as I am into her.

1. How important is communication in a relationship? And why?
Very important.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationships must have?
Love,communication, friendship,respect and honesty.
3.What makes you want to end a relationship?
If they cheat
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
Love and the amount of yars we have been together before breaking up.
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationships and how they should work compare to the opposite sex? Why or why not?
I feel that as a female we go with our feelings and male don't really care.

1. How important is communication in relationship? And why ?
Very importanat if you don't have communication the relationship would be empty because no one would know anything about the other one.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
Communication,trust, commite, love and sex
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
When you ask your partner a question and they lie and you know that they are lying.
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
When you truly love your partner and you forgive them for mistake that they made
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?
Females feel if you are in relationship you shouldn't sleep around and male feel that it is ok because you aren't married.

1. How important is communication in relationship? And why ?
Communication is must because without it you have nothing.
2. What are the top 5 important things your relationship must have?
3. What makes you want to end a relationship?
When a relationship no longer meets your emotional needs then it is time to end. If it get abusive in and form physical, mental, and verbal then you need to leave.
4. What makes you give the relationship another chance?
5. As a female or a male do you feel that you have different thought about relationship and how they should work compare to the opposite sex?
Men ane women see things differently. Women are emotional creatures and mean just do not get it.

From research I found out that these are the top five things that a relationships:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homework 55

Part 1:
I haven't really thinking about what I want to look more into, so right now I am still thinking and talking to people about what they are going. But I think I want to talk about love.Why do we need love? Why do we push away love? Why do we love in different ways? Why do we stop loving? And more but I didn't know yet.


Stephanie A:
Research Question: Is there an emotional and physiological difference between kids growing up with both parents and kids growing up in single homes ?

I think your question is a good one because as a child with one parent I would like to know if people who have both act and feel different then I do. But I also see what chole is saying, it whould help you get a clear and better ansewr to your question if you answer both. But it may take a lot to answer both questions all in one, but which every way you go with it you will be answering a good question.

Chloe H :
Part 1:Question (Will Most likely Change Around):
-What do you need in order to find or maintain a long lasting friendship?
-What are the main components of a long lasting friendship?

I think your questions are good because this is a time where you are going to be leaving soon to go to college , and I think that it is very importanat into knowing how to keep these friends that are not going to be going to school with you any more or will not see on the weekend anymore. So I think that your idea about friends is good. Maybe you can change it as time goes on but if you don't it will be fine

Monday, May 10, 2010

Homework #54

Part 1:
My type is: ENFP

Extroverted (E) 63.16% Introverted (I) 36.84%
Intuitive. (N) 54.05% Sensing (S) 45.95%
Feeling. (F) 52.5% Thinking. (T) 47.5%
Perceiving (P) 58.33% Judging (J) 41.67%

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.

outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking, good at getting people to have fun, pleasure seeking, irresponsible, physically affectionate, risk taker, thrill seeker, likely to have or want a tattoo, adventurous, unprepared, attention seeking, hyperactive, irrational, loves crowds, rule breaker, prone to losing things, seductive, easily distracted, open, revealing, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, attracted to strange things, non punctual, likes to stand out, likes to try new things, fun seeker, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, empathetic, dangerous, loving, attachment prone, prone to fantasy.

favored careers:
performer, actor, entertainer, songwriter, musician, filmmaker, comedian, radio broadcaster/dj, some job related to theater/drama, poet, music journalist, work in fashion industry, singer, movie producer, playwright, bartender, comic book author, work in television, dancer, artist, record store owner, model, freelance artist, teacher (art, drama, music), writer, painter, massage therapist, costume designer, choreographer, make up artist

I think that the results of this test really hit me on the nose. When I asked Andy if he took the test and did the results come out to be true he said yea but he also felt that a lot of the other results fit him as well. That it is kind of like reading your Horoscopes. And I agree but when I looked at the results they had some stuff that fit me and some that didn't but the result I got is right to the bone. I outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things,seductive, easily distracted,seductive, easily distracted,and physically affectionate and teh list goes on and on. I feel that this is a good way to figure people out. I feel that if you really thing about it for a moment you could get the results of someone you may get one letter wrong but for the most part you would get it right.

Part 2:
From talking about the test the whole class I think that the test is good because shows you things that you didn't things that you did not know about yourself or even things that you did not want to know or say you did. I think that it really made me think about things that it was saying and seeing if I really do it. It also made we say ok I do do this things and I just say that it is ok. I also feel that we were all happy to see what they said, and think that the reason that we were so happy because they were really one point. And I think that the reason is because it gives us idea for who we are and it makes you understand way things happen to us. So know we feel like we have some type of understanding of the world or at least there are somethings we can control.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

homework 53

Part 2:
Taking this survey did not make uncomfortable like I thought it would. The questions were questions I would have answered if someone in the street had asked me the same questions. I thought that the Partnering - Romance - Sexuality section was going to be questions that would be a little to much to ask but I think that the survey was fine. I and I think that it asked questions that we need to know the answers that other people would pick. There were even questions that I did not think that would have been asked, but I think that is was good. The Self, politics, etc section really had me thinking. I had to stop and think hard about if I felt one way or the other or if i was lying to myself or not. At one point I did want to put down my answer for I feel insecure because at that moment I felt like someone would find out that I picked Exactly - Very much so but then I thought about it and said what will happen if someone finds out nothing. So I answered it and kept on moving through the survey.

Part 3:
I think that the results to the question to do "you do stupid things you don't particularly enjoy to fit in with your peers", most people say maybe when I think that the real answer is yes. But I think this shows me that I think little of people and that I feel most people don't have say on their life and that we get bossed around by other people or maybe a lot of people do not want to say that they have no mind of their. I mean the thing didn't answered the way I thought it would be at the same time there were few that I thought I was the only one that would say yes and some that I thought would say yes and end up saying no.

Part 4:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 52

1. Why is that we push away the love that comes from our family but go out looking for love from other people?
I don't know if everyone is like this but I know for me I do this a lot. My mom always wants me to give her a hug and to tell how much i love her, but I always push away. I go to my room and talk to my friends and boys and try to get them to like me or respect me more. And i never knew why, but i think that i just know that my mom love me and that she knows I love her. I mean we are family and if she didn't love me she would not do the things like care and buy me stuff or even give the chance to make it far in life unlike her and my sister did. But with other people i never know what their feelings are to me.m They can say they care but really don't.
And the more I think about i push away all kinds of love. Love from my mom, sister, father, friends, boys and even people that try to be nice and give comments. I am just not comfortable with feelings and the idea that people could be true about how they feel about me. Or should I say they nice feelings about me. I am just scared of getting hurt that I push away before anything happens. So in the end I really I think it just a thing that you have to take a chance and see if it works and if it doesn't.

2. Why do we play roles?
I think we play roles so that we can feel different inside of friends and family or should I just say inside of our little world. We want to know that in inside our friend circle we are the one that is the funny friend, shy friends, crazy friend, or the one everyone depends. And then in our family the good one, bad one, the one that passes by, the baby,and on and on. But it would not be right if there are 2 of the same thing because then you feel like you do not stand out. And everyone wants to stand out. \

3.Which relationship is more important to you?
I think that the relationship that is the most is importanat is the relationship between yourself because weithout knowing who you are you really can't tell how you would react with other people. But then again everyone would say that. So I would said now at the age of 17 I would say the relationship between me and my mom and dad is the most important because if you lose one friend you can make another or even a boyfriend/girlfriend, boss, co-worker you can always make more relationships with these people. But your family is your family when you lose them you can't them back and when you do it always feels diferent then what you had before. These are people that "by gods choice" decided to make them your family for a reason.

I think that alot of relationships that we have are based off of what we heard and what we think we know. It is off what tv shows it should be and we think that is how relationships should be so we show them off like they are when really they may not. But the only reason why we show it off like it is great is os that people want their relationships to be just like their's. What we need to do is just look ate our relationships and what is our own personal views instead of looking and listening to what other people say.

Monday, April 26, 2010

homework 51 "paper "

Bryanna Wright 4-26-10

School is a place that has been around for many of years. Teaching us how to read and write, as well as teaching us math, science, history and english. But in my 11 years of going to school I never learned why African American’s never really graduate from high school compare to Caucasians. And why that is mostly African American boys are the ones that really don’t graduate were as African American girls are but still are not at much as Caucasians. Why is that most of African Americans boys want to always be a rapper or and basketball player? Being an African American I decided to researchand find out why.
From reading the article “AFRICAN AMERICANS AND EDUCATION” almost all of African Americans are more likely to attend high-poverty schools that is, public where more than 75 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch1 and are less likely to graduate from high
school and attend college at rates lower than any other racial group. In 2006-07 16 percent (7.7 million) of all elementary and secondary public school students went to a high-poverty school. A total of 33 precent of African Africans went to high-proverty shcool where as 4 percent of Caucasian kids. In the city 10 percent of Caucasian kids went to high-poverty school where as 46 percent of African Africans kids. And the drop out rates are kind of the same, in one year 6.9 of Caucasian drop out and 13.1 of African Americans drop out. Out of all the racial groups, African Americans are most likely to go to a school that does not have AP classses. There is 19 percent of African American students attending these kind of schools schools, compared to only 6 percent of Asian, 12 percent of Latino, and 15 percent of Caucasian students.
In 2005-06 less than half of all African American male students received diplomas. The rate at which African American males are dropping out and being placed in special education was far more outstanding then the rate at which they are graduating and reaching high levels of academic achievement. For that year the graduation rate was 47 percent. New York has three of the 10 districts that have the lowest graduation rates for African American males. Compared to New Jersey and Arizona where ther graduation rates for their malethat are African American close to, or higher than, the national average graduation rate for Caucasian, Latino male students. If you go the this website ( you can see the “State-by-State Graduation Rates for African American Male Students. Race and family income is a high reason on whether a student immediately enrolls in college. College enrollment rate for 2007 was 70 percent for white high school graduates and 61 percent for Latino high school graduates, compared with 56 percent for African American high school graduates.

I also read “Hispanic And Black High School Graduation Rates Very Low” February 26, 2004 more then half of Black, Hispanic and Native American young teens are being held back before graduation. According to reports , “while 75 percent of white students graduated from high school in 2001, only 50 percent of all Black students, 51 percent of Native American students, and 53 percent of all Hispanic students got a high school diploma in the same year. The study found that the problem was even worse for Black, Native American, and Hispanic young men at 43 percent, 47 percent, and 48 percent, respectively.” As you can see African Americans has the lowest number and from the othe articles I have read it is not just in one case. They have the lowest rate year after year after year. And there is nothing that seems to be done, African Americans and mosly boys are falling through the crack that can be stopped be will take so time. Because of them not finishing school or graduate late African American boys want to take the easy way out and become a rapper or a baketball player. If we could come together and find a way to get African American the chance to take AP classes and the chance to go to college and the chance to see that there are alot of things out there from them to do then we could raise the rate so that more grauate instead of more dropping out.

Homework 49

From watching section 1 video it looks like they had the idea that the teacher has no control over the class and that the students run things and that the teacher is trying to get them. It looks like they teacher is trying them to really connect with each other but they could care less. They are on their phones and that play fighting.
I also think that from looking at their video its like that other movies that we have be watching in class. It shows how on the first day they not listening and they don't want to do what the teacher says. But then on the second day they are listening to him and have their notebooks outs.
I think that when doing a movie about school there will never be a really differences in how they look. I think that no matter what is going on in the background there was always be the say look on it. The look that students are monsters that do not listen that will never get far in life.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

homework 50

Gatto is talk about what he has found school to be. About how he thinks that schoolteaching is wrapped up into 6 lessons that teaches students to become and realize their role in life. The idea that there are classes above and below us. That we are scared to try and reach that higher level classes but work hard enough so that we are not placed in the lower level class. To think that if we have a higher education we will get the better good. And we never really notice the difference in life because we rush through things so that we can get to the next step. And we really have no really say over our own lifes. That someone else is always making our decisions for us.

I feel that what he is saying is true. In life we go through not really thinking about why we want to get to the next step all we think about is who else is going to be on that step and how does that make me look. We try so hard to think that we run our lifes when the truth is that everyone else controls us. For a while it is your parents, then it is your teachers, then your boss, friends, emenies. And we are so busy try to prove that we control our selves and get to the next step that we do not sit and realize that things are different, and that we never really learned something for us but everyone else.

Freire talks about the relationship between the teacher and the student. He also talks about how there is a banking concept of education, and that in the banking concept of education knowledge is the key. That "knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing." And that this concepts are in teaching as well as in the banking education:
(a) the teacher teaches and the students are taught;

(b) the teacher knows everything and the students know nothing;

(c) the teacher thinks and the students are thought about;

(d) the teacher talks and the students listen — meekly;

(e) the teacher disciplines and the students are disciplined;

(f) the teacher chooses and enforces his choice, and the students comply;

(g) the teacher acts and the students have the illusion of acting through the action of the teacher;

(h) the teacher chooses the program content, and the students (who were not consulted) adapt to it;

(i) the teacher confuses the authority of knowledge with his or her own professional authority, which she and he sets in opposition to the freedom of the students;

(j) the teacher is the Subject of the learning process, while

I feel that in ways this is true but not right. A student should learn from their teachers as well as teachers should learn their students. Just because you have knowledge on something does not mean you can't learn more about that topic or in life. Nor do I feel that "knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing." I feel that by saying that you think that because you have knowledge on something you are better then someone who doesn't which is never true.

She is talking about how African Americans don't go far in school. That as parents and teachers we are not aware of kids not really knowing what they should now, and when we do find out it is to late to really help them without holding them back in life. that we must all be there ofr each other and that we must work together to get the the next step. She also talks about how she tries different ways to help them learn with out holding the other students back.

I feel that as a African American there is lot of us not really learning and not really doing what we have to do to make it in life. we always do things that let us just make it or just sliding by. I also feel that there is no really way to have to students that are on 2 different levels in the same class to really learn. Because the student that is a head will feel like he is being pulled back while the student that is behind will feel like they are get rush to do stuff. I also feel that as an African American we do need more teachers and parents to really be around to help us get to the place that we need to be.

Copland was talking about how he never saw a difference in how andy teaches to how he teaches.He feels that in a way they are both teaching us the same thing but are going about it in different ways. He talked about how we should be taught immanence and transcendence. That we should be taught about the past and the future. And that he teaches to show that even though we are different we are really the same. And last that he feels as teacher he is always learning and that he teaches his students as well as as learn from them.

I feel that what Copland was saying was something that I feel that not every teachers says but all the teachers at SOF say. I feel that in SOF teachers try to teach us so that we do go far in life and so that we are not lost people like everyone makes us seem. I feel that as a teacher he really tries to get to his students with out coming off as if he is saving them.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Homework 48

I think that the story should be about one student that a rough home life and to come to school to get a better education to they they could go far in life and never have to live the same way again. But she has friends that different then her. They have a good household, and when they are finish with school they have a job in their family business, so they go to school and not really learn. And they try to get Marshai to be like them.

At first she doesn't she does what she has to do to get by in school but at the same time do things so that her friends do not call her lame, loser or nerd. Then in the middle of the year she gets tired of her friends always making fun of her and being known as the smart ass. So she acts up and gets in to a lot of trouble. The teacher sees that this students and doesn't see why she is changing and why no one at home is talking to her to her to get her act together.

So the teacher is a male that is African American that show her that here are African Americans that do go far in life and that are African American man that around and care about their kids and students and other people. And with all this she starts to realize that she could have friends that would find cool for being smart, and that she could make something of her and go far in life unlike her family.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Extra Credit

I was not hear to see the movie due to the fact that i was in Egypt, but from looking it up and reading about and watching a little trailer of it on the internet I have a feeling that it is mostly like the other movies we have been watching with maybe a little bit of changes and/or a little bit of a different view on some of the things.

2. I think that it is always 50-50 when it come to teachers and students. As student you should know when you are not getting something and should keep asking for help until you really get what is going on in that class. And then there are teachers who really should not be teaching because they really don't know how to teach in different ways so that they can reach all students.But like I said I feel like this movie was just like the other movies we have watch with a little bit of changes but for the most part I feel that Souleymane was not doing what he had to do and was the one from holding the class back from really learning what they could learn. So I fell that the students and even more Souleymane should have tried to see where this teacher was coming from.

3.Compared to the movie SOF has:
1.Students that make it hard for others to learn
2.Teachers that feel they can make a different
3.Teachers that just come to work because they have to
4.Students thatreally want to learn but scared to show they care about school.

Contrast to the movie SOF doesn't have:
1. Students fighting with the teachers
We can find a way to help those who want to be helped.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Homework 47

Homework 47
1. The students teaching the teacher how to have fun.
2. One student teaching the teacher how to connect with the kids.
3. Have the kids be all one race with a different race teacher.
4. Have a class of just females or just males and a different gender teacher and see how they get a long and the respect they give and get.

In the movies you have the kid spending a lot of time with teacher showing them how if they do this kids with listen more and if they do this kids will not listen. And you can also show how the students helps the teacher realize what kind of person they really are(because in everyone movie the teachers help the students see that they can do this or are good at that. I think that they students should also have both parents to show that even if have both parents you can still have problems at school

Monday, March 8, 2010

Homework 43

When I was young I would always think about how I was going to go to college. And not just any college, I always want to go to Yale, Howard, or a college that the really smart people went to and back then I never knew that i would the first to graduate from high school and go to college. I always thought that I a really smart and that I could go far in life. I always happy to go school and happy to learn something new. I think that back then I never thought that school would be hard or even boring.

Monday, March 1, 2010

homework 41 and 42

Part A't_Graduate_We_All_Fail.pdf

Part B
What I learned is that African American's do not graduate on time or do not graduate at all. African Americans and Hispanics are in the same boat. What I find to be something crazy is that there is more websites that talk about African American males before females. To me I feel that there is a chart of power and who is the most powerful. And how I feel that everyone sees it is that White men are on top,White women, Black men and then Black women. And from reading these articles and websites more black men drop out or get left back then black women. So if African American women go far in school and African American men don't how is that African American men are higher then African American women.I mean everyone one may not think like that but I do feel that this is the way that people make it look like. But I am going find more on way is that we drop out or get left back vs why white people don't.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Homework 40

Part A
1. Do you feel that school is important? Why or why not ?
School is not really important because you can teach you how to read and write.
2. What is one thing you wish they would have taught when you was in school, and how would you learning that
changed how you are a person now?
They should have taught some more african american history in class so we could have learned more about our selves at a young age.
3.Do you think that teachers teach because they want to or because they have to?
Most teachers teach because they want to.
4. Should kids be home school?
I think yes but no. It depends on the job or career that the parents have but for the most part yes.

My Mom
1. Do you feel that school is important? Why or why not ?
Yes because that is where you have most of you social life with peers.
2. What is one thing you wish they would have taught when you was in school, and how would you learning that
changed how you are a person now?
I think that they should have taught more Black history because I feel that as a african american I and other people would have felt that we are just as important as the white kids.
3.Do you think that teachers teach because they want to or because they have to?
I think that teachers teach because they have to pay rent, bills and buy food.
4. Should kids be home school?
Yes, I think the child will learn more. It will be one on one service which some children need. And most children that are home school go to college and do as good as kids that were not home school.

1. Do you feel that school is important? Why or why not ?
School is important because it helps you get closer to your goals depending on your desired profession.
2. What is one thing you wish they would teach in school, and how would you learning that
changed how you are a person now?
I wish that they would teach only subjects that we will use in the future. Like we should have math, science, english and history but like I am into dancing so they should have dance class or learning how to work at burger kings.
3.Do you think that teachers teach because they want to or because they have to?
I do think that teachers want to teach because being a teacher is an optional, therefore if they didn't want to teach they wouldn't have become teachers.
4. Should kids be home school?
Kids should have the optional to be home schooled because some kids don't work well in a social environment

1. Do you feel that school is important? Why or why not ?
I feel that school is not as important that they try to make it. I mean reading writing and math is important but science and the extra math that we learn after 5 grade is not important to my life and for the job that i would like to have.
2. What is one thing you wish they would teach in school, and how would you learning that
changed how you are a person now?
I feel that they should more about taxes, how to make a relationship work, how to take care of yourselves, what to do if you lose your job. and then fun classes like singing dancing acting, and how to get your way out of trouble.
3.Do you think that teachers teach because they want to or because they have to?
I feel that some teachers are here to teacher because they love to do that but I do feel that there are teachers here because they had not other dreams.
4. Should kids be home school?
I think that kids should be home school after like the 7th grade but only if they want to but I do think that more kids should be home school to get that one on one time that they need.

Auntie Mone

Part B
I feel that this interviews did not help me as much ah you wanted them to help but I do feel that i learned a little to take me to the next step. I saw that older african americans wished they taught more african american history where my age group wants more help to get through in life. I think that what I want to find out more is why are we told one thing but at the same time are told something total different. Like we are told that we should get good grades but at the same time that is not all schools worry about. Or we are told to to care but put yourselves before other. I also want to know how do we know that the things that we were taught are real facts. But at the as time I feel that i want to know so much that I don't know what to ask.

Monday, February 8, 2010

homework 39

Part A:
1. Why do we go to school?
2. How do we know what we are learning is real? How do we know if his things really happened? How do we know words mean what we say they mean?
3. How does what we learn in school help us wen we get out of college and have a job and in life?
4. Why as we get older we don't remember as mush as we use to?
5. Why do teachers teach in such ways that make some students feel like they are slow in learning,or teach in such a boring way?
6. Why are the schools overly crowd in the poor areas?
7. What are students learning n school?
8. Why are so many of the children failing?

What I would like to talk more about:
1. School in society
2. The history
3. Experience

1. School makes me feel less of a person
2. School helps me be more open and social
3. School helps me want to know more

Part B:
Me and jessica was talking aboout why we have to come to school. We also talked about the fact that we have to come to school and that it gets boring after going it over and over again. We talked about why we think some kids come to school drunk or high because they got to have a say in what they do. It is like even though we have to go to school they get to have a say in what they get to do. Which I agree and I think that is why sometimes I do not want to do work is because I get to say what I will and will not do.
Also I feel that since I come from a family were no one finish high I feel like things are hard. I feel like I have to prove that I will not end up like everyone else and to make them proud of me. But then at the same time when I need help they can't really help because they didn't really learn I am learning so I feel like I am alone, sometimes I have to help them with there college homework. And then school doesn't make it any better the way they work make me feel like I will not make it in life. Like I should just give up now because I will not make it far

home work 38

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?
From my art project I would like people to see that sometimes people do things to stand out. That sometimes people want all eyes on them. And that even myself sometimes should think about I look to others and that I should care a little bit about what people thing of me. That it is important to know how to carry yourself outside.
2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?
I think that the project went really well. We talked about what we wanted to do and who would do things and how we should act when we were making the video. We ran through he video about 5 times before really making it. And after we did we talked about what we could all do to make it better and then we did it again. So I think that we worked well together and we made a video that was good .
3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?
Yes making art is cool to me. I think it is because you get to show apart of you that may no get to show a lot. Or show who you are and no one can really say that you are being rude, or mean for saying what you feel. I also feel that it is cool because I like to become a different person when I act, or draw or write or paint. And sometimes you ned to just get away


Sunday, January 24, 2010

final paper

Bryanna Wight 1-20-10
To me there are different reasons why someone is cool or why someone wnats to be cool. They can be cool because they have money, because they are pretty or cute, because they can have a talent that a lot of people wish they had, or because are the bad boy/girl, and yea sure there are other reasons why someone could or wants be cool, but why do these things matter? I sometimes wonder why. What about what someone wears shows who they are deep down inside? Just because they do not wear what I wear does not mean that they do not have the same goals and dreams that I have. In class we talked about being cool and someone said that we would be lying if we said we don't care if we are cool or not. I feel this is not true, I don't care if people find me to be cool, I feel that people have to take me they way I am but I do care if people respect me which is different then being cool or is it the same? I would like to know who made the idea of what is cool and what is not cool? The affects usthat cool has on us. The reasons why we feel like we need to be cool.
Some would agru that cool is just being “you”, that cool is all about how you carry yourself, and that cool is something that they don’t care about. And then there are people like Andy who actully sit down and think about things otherin life, they think about why we do the things that we do. So when Andy started the unit he shared his thoughts and at first I did not agree with what he was saying it. Until I started to interview people. Everyone that I interview all said the same thing, “My definition of cool is being yourself.” Then when I interview friend and classmate Javon Perry this what he had to say,
“ Me: Do you think you are cool?
Javon: I would not say that I am cool but a lot of people tell me I am.
Me: What makes people tell you that you are cool?
Javon: People say that it is the way I dress and the way I carry myself.
Me: What makes you dress the way you dress?
Javon: The media and my friends and family. But I think that the people I look up to help me come up with my fashion.
Me: Who are the people you look up to and why do you look up to them?
Javon: Pharrell and Kanye West and I like them beceause to me they are different. To me no one dress like them and no one acts like them.
Me: So how much does your whole outfit cost?
Javon: Ummmmmm.... Well this is 330 and the his 700 and this 800 so I going to say that it all cost 3000.
Me: Why do you spend so money on clothes, is it because you wnat people to thing you are better then what you are?
Javon: I always was dressed this way. Since I was 5 I always had on name brand things. That is just the way I like to dress and it is not to make myself feel better for or for other people to think I better then them, it is just because I like to look good. If I had to wear clothes with holes them ans had stuff on it and food on the shirt I would not feel like myself.” So then atfer talking to Javon as I started to see what Andy was talking about. I saw that people wanted to be different that kind of ended up saying that same thing and looking like they were alike.
When I saw that everyone was starting to think and talk a lot I begin to notcie that we are all alike each other and that no one was reallly different. Like the fact that we all get tattoos. Which brings up why do we get tattoos. Is it to be like each other,or to be different. I believe that there are many reasons behind why people get tattoos. Some would say that they get it to look like they are bad. Some have no reason on why they want it they just want it because it seems "cool". But to me the reason why I want a tattoo is to always remember my friends or some kind of moment that I had in life. See the tattoos that I want is a symbol that I will always have to remember my best friends so that no matter how far we go I can always just look at my are or my leg or where ever I put it and think of them. Think of all the good and bad times we had, to think about when life gets rough they were always there to help me. But I think the main reason is that so that I wouldn't feel alone. Which comes back to to the whole cool and being empty inside.
I agree that people get tattoos to tell stories and some feel why do we all tell stories in the same way, and I feel so that we are not different. Yea we all say that we want to be different but what we really want is to be the same. Think about it, we go through life with people just like us. Best friends, family, co-workers, and lovers. People may not want to believe it or say it but we look to be alike. When we make friends we make them off of what we like to to do, eat, wear, and how we act. With co-workers you may think that you guys are different and you guys maybe but you both either had the passion or drive to do the say job or you both just want with the flow and took any job you could get. And then with your lover you want someone that is like you or someone you want them to be which in some way is how you are. So when you think about it we want to be the same so that is why we do things like get tattoos or plastic surgery, hair extensions, piercings, make-up, lifts, body-building, etc.
When Mr. Fanning came in he said that he got tattoos to have build this new person and show that he is who he is and can never go back to his old ways. Which I thought was cool because we all do that in some kind of way. We want people to know that the person they see in front of them in the is the real thing that this is who they are. I think that what is more crazy is the fact that we will not say this but we all seem to think it. What is the real problem with saying things that is wrong with us and take it as it is? Why is so bad to think about thinks in a deeper way?
From this whole cool unit I learned cool is what you make of it. That we all go around trying to give off the idea that we are different and that we all have something great to give to life, which maybe true but at the same time we all have the same thing to give. Like my Uncle Jay said “Cool is when you can relate too all types of people and all types of situations , yes I do think I am cool because I can relate too all types of people and all types of situations. The coolest thing I have is my brain and my heart because I really enjoy living and learning”. Instead of worrying about how to be cool and are we cool we should look more on living and learning.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I think that your paper is good. As I read i could see that your ideas got bigger as the paper went on. I think that in your paragraph about emptiness you should ad someone else idea of emptiness and compare that to what you are saying to help you build your ideas. You can even write how would that affect your life if you was taken from your mom after you born. Also in your intro you should add more about your main ideas so that people have a little idea if what your paper is about. Your should maybe talk about how cool affects your life and how that made you wonder if it affects everyone one else the same way it has on you.

Thanks for the comment. I think that your paper is going to be good. I feel that at the end after you talk aBOUT Mr. Fanning you should bring it back to what this means to you. How does this things change or not change your ideas from before. Also you may be able to add how emptiness connects to that

Thursday, January 21, 2010

my paper

Bryanna Wight 1-20-10
To me there are different reasons why someone is cool or why someone wnats to be cool. They can be cool because they have money, because they are pretty or cute, because they can have a talent that a lot of people wish they had, or because are the bad boy/girl, and yea sure there are other reasons why someone could or wants be cool, but why do these things matter? I sometimes wonder why. What about what someone wears shows who they are deep down inside? Just because they do not wear what I wear does not mean that they do not have the same goals and dreams that I have. In class we talked about being cool and someone said that we would be lying if we said we don't care if we are cool or not. I feel this is not true, I don't care if people find me to be cool, I feel that people have to take me they way I am but I do care if people respect me which is different then being cool or is it the same? I would like to know who made the idea of what is cool and what is not cool? The affects usthat cool has on us. The reasons why we feel like we need to be cool.
Some would agru that cool is just being “you”, that cool is all about how you carry yourself, and that cool is something that they don’t care about. And then there are people like Andy who actully sit down and think about things otherin life, they think about why we do the things that we do. So when Andy started the unit he shared his thoughts and at first I did not agree with what he was saying it. Until I started to interview people. Everyone that I interview all said the same thing, “My definition of cool is being yourself.” Then when I interview friend and classmate Javon Perry this what he had to say,
“ Me: Do you think you are cool?
Javon: I would not say that I am cool but a lot of people tell me I am.
Me: What makes people tell you that you are cool?
Javon: People say that it is the way I dress and the way I carry myself.
Me: What makes you dress the way you dress?
Javon: The media and my friends and family. But I think that the people I look up to help me come up with my fashion.
Me: Who are the people you look up to and why do you look up to them?
Javon: Pharrell and Kanye West and I like them beceause to me they are different. To me no one dress like them and no one acts like them.
Me: So how much does your whole outfit cost?
Javon: Ummmmmm.... Well this is 330 and the his 700 and this 800 so I going to say that it all cost 3000.
Me: Why do you spend so money on clothes, is it because you wnat people to thing you are better then what you are?
Javon: I always was dressed this way. Since I was 5 I always had on name brand things. That is just the way I like to dress and it is not to make myself feel better for or for other people to think I better then them, it is just because I like to look good. If I had to wear clothes with holes them ans had stuff on it and food on the shirt I would not feel like myself.” So then atfer talking to Javon as I started to see what Andy was talking about. I saw that people wanted to be different that kind of ended up saying that same thing and looking like they were alike.
When I saw that everyone was starting to think and talk a lot I begin to notcie that we are all alike each other and that no one was reallly different. Like the fact that we all get tattoos. Which brings up why do we get tattoos. Is it to be like each other,or to be different. I believe that there are many reasons behind why people get tattoos. Some would say that they get it to look like they are bad. Some have no reason on why they want it they just want it because it seems "cool". But to me the reason why I want a tattoo is to always remember my friends or some kind of moment that I had in life. See the tattoos that I want is a symbol that I will always have to remember my best friends so that no matter how far we go I can always just look at my are or my leg or where ever I put it and think of them. Think of all the good and bad times we had, to think about when life gets rough they were always there to help me. But I think the main reason is that so that I wouldn't feel alone. Which comes back to to the whole cool and being empty inside.
I agree that people get tattoos to tell stories and some feel why do we all tell stories in the same way, and I feel so that we are not different. Yea we all say that we want to be different but what we really want is to be the same. Think about it, we go through life with people just like us. Best friends, family, co-workers, and lovers. People may not want to believe it or say it but we look to be alike. When we make friends we make them off of what we like to to do, eat, wear, and how we act. With co-workers you may think that you guys are different and you guys maybe but you both either had the passion or drive to do the say job or you both just want with the flow and took any job you could get. And then with your lover you want someone that is like you or someone you want them to be which in some way is how you are. So when you think about it we want to be the same so that is why we do things like get tattoos or plastic surgery, hair extensions, piercings, make-up, lifts, body-building, etc.
When Mr. Fanning came in he said that he got tattoos to have build this new person and show that he is who he is and can never go back to his old ways. Which I thought was cool because we all do that in some kind of way. We want people to know that the person they see in front of them in the is the real thing that this is who they are. I think that what is more crazy is the fact that we will not say this but we all seem to think it. What is the real problem with saying things that is wrong with us and take it as it is? Why is so bad to think about thinks in a deeper way?

Monday, January 11, 2010

homework 34

I think that it should not matter what race gender or class you to be cool. I mean yea it would be nice to be white to get far in life, or to be a man so that people would see me a someone strong, or even to be rich so I don't have to worry about what if I go homeless. What I think is that people are not ok with the fact that people don't always see right and wrong or black and white. I think people need to see that some times in life you have to just go with both sides. People are not ok with that idea that not everything doesn't always has an answer or a solution to the problem. I feel that people or not ok with the fact that they do not control everything in life. But at the same time I feel that some things in life people want to go around blaming everyone else for the what goes on in their life. And yes sometimes people give you ideas of which way to go and what to say but at the end of the day you made that decision to do it so you really can't say that someone is the blame for why you don't get far in life. And like Matt said what we should is not worry about who to blame but how to help it.

homework 33 outline

intro: the whole idea of cool
1st paragraph: what I think is cool. the meaning of cool.
2nd paragraph : what people in the street told cool was. There mean.
3rd paragraph:what my family and friends thought what cool was.
conclusion: my results of what it means to be cool and everyones ideas as one big idea.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Homework 32

I believe that there are many reasons behind why people get tattoos. Some would say that they get it to look like they are bad. Some would have no reason on why they want it they just want it because it seems "cool". But to me the reason why I want a tattoo is to always remember my friends or some kind of moment that. See the tattoos that I want is a symbol that I will always have to to remember my best friends so that no matter how far we go I can always just look at my are or my leg or where ever I put it and think of them. Think of all the good and bad times we had, to think about when life got rough they were always there to help me. But I think the main reason is that so that I wouldn't feel alone. Which comes back to to the whole cool and being empty inside.
I agree that people get tattoos to tell stories and some feel why do we all tell stories in the same way, and I feel so that we are not different. Yea we all say that we want to be different but what we really want is to be the same. Think about it, we go through life with people just like us. Best friends, family, co-workers, and lovers. People may not want to believe it or say it but we look to be alike. When we make friends we make them off of what we like to to do, eat, wear, and act. With co-workers you may think that you guys are different and you guys maybe but you both either had the passion or drive to do the say job or you both just want with the flow and took any job you could get. And then with your lover you want someone that is like you or what you want them to be which in some way is how you are. So when you think about it we want to be the same so that is why we do things like get tattoos or plastic surgery, hair extensions, piercings, make-up, lifts, body-building, etc.
When Mr. Fanning came in he said that he got tattoos to have build this person to show that he is who he is and can never go back. Which I thought was cool because we all do that in some kind of way. We want people to know that the person the see in front of them in the is the real thing that this is who they are. I think that what is more crazy is the fact that we will not say this but we all see and think it. What is the real problem with saying that things that is wrong with us and take it as it is? Like why is so bad to think about thinks in a deeper way? even why do we ask these questions and can never seem to find an answer?